One of the key attributes of Video Agility is professionalism. You want to increase the speed and scale of video production but you don’t want to look sloppy. What does it mean to create professional-quality video in a video agile environment?
The Attributes of Professionalism:
On Brand/Message
The video should follow your brand standards and include your logo and brand colors. It should be clear that this is a video produced by your organization.
It should be relevant to the audience you’re trying to reach. You can create and distribute lots of content, but if it doesn't reach the appropriate audience, then it's just wasted time and effort.
Your message should be distributed within the appropriate time frame. Let's say you want to get messaging out surrounding a current event. If you get the message out too late, you lose credibility.
Your storytelling needs to be well-structured, clear, and interesting to your audience. We’ve all seen boring user generated content. Well, we’ve seen the beginning of it, before we click away.
You don’t want a rambling 10-minute video that could have– should have! – been two minutes. If you haven’t grabbed their attention within the first few seconds, there’s no way anyone will stick around for 10 minutes.
To sum it up: a professional-looking video provides compelling, brand-appropriate information to the right audience when they need it. An agile video environment allows you to do that.
It's actually quite simple, but simple doesn't mean it's easy. Storyvine needs to fit within your brand strategy, so you know what kind of content you want to capture. Who is the audience for that content, and why would they care about it? What is the benefit to the business? Strategy is key with any tactic, but especially with video agility, it’s important to have a clear and concise idea of what you're trying to accomplish.
Have questions? Want to dig deeper on this idea video agility? We love talking about it. Reach out to Kyle Shannon. or 720-449-7077 x103