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Recruiting, Poor Process = Failure | The Bottom

Writer's picture: Melodie ReaganMelodie Reagan

Melodie Regan, CEO, i2i Workforce

Finding and hiring great talent can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. How is it that we have so many employers looking for talent and so much talent looking for jobs, yet too often our jobs go unfilled? Feels like one of those big questions for which the answer is elusive. Yet, there are things we know and starting your recruitment efforts with a strong recruitment process can have a big impact.

Let’s explore the recruiting process, also called a recruitment funnel.

The recruitment funnel classically has two parts, The Top of the Funnel and the Bottom of the Funnel. Top of the Funnel is when you are defining the job and sourcing candidates, and Bottom of the Funnel is when you have candidates and are interviewing and hiring.

Some organizations actually split the responsibilities between team members for the Top and Bottom of the Funnel.

Last week we explored the Top of the Recruiting Funnel, and this week we will dive into the Bottom of the Recruiting Funnel. As you review, consider your own processes and ask yourself how it is performing and if you can do anything to make it stronger. Here’s what the Bottom of the Funnel includes.

Bottom of the Funnel Recruiting Process

  1. Apply – How can a candidate easily apply and provide you with the information you need? It’s important that this step is easy while at the same time giving you the information you need.

  2. Qualify – This is your first pass determination of whether the candidate has potential for fit. Frequently this involves a resume / application review, frequently sorted based on criteria in the ATS. For high potential candidates, you may ask them to complete a baseline assessment and/or complete a screening interview, typically handled by HR.

  3. Evaluate – This is when you move into more intensive interviewing. We often recommend the hiring manager completes the first interview. If the person is not a fit for the hiring manager, then you won’t be wasting time for other team members. The interview process can include a range of interviews (1 to 1, panel, group, self-video, formal, informal, behavioral, task-based, stress, etc.) by in-person, video meeting, email, and phone. What is important is that you have a consistent, structured evaluation process. We recommend an interview questionnaire or checklist. Otherwise, if someone in the process says I think we should hire this person you can’t count on clarity as to why they think they’d be a good fit. For example, sometimes people recommend hire for a candidate because they liked the person; however, they didn’t delve into their actual skills to do the job.

  4. Select – This is when you narrow the pool and pick the final candidate. Who should be involved in the final selection? Are you completing references? We recommend it. Using any assessment tools? We recommend it. We also recommend you pick a first and second candidate if the pool allows, should the first candidate not pan out; otherwise, you may have to go back to the drawing board.

  5. Hire – Have a standard offer process and templated offer letter. Use a background check? Drug test? Start the celebration of the hire and welcome your new team member. Make it personal. Extend the offer verbally, then in writing, and consider having team members send welcomes.

  6. Onboard – Make this a positive experience. Many candidates fail in the onboarding. Start this process before their first day and make sure you help them become part of your team, bond with your organization. It’s not just about dotting your i’s and crossing your t’s. Sure, processes and paperwork matter, particularly i9s; however, this is your opportunity to connect your new hire with your organization to create longevity. And once they start, onboarding doesn’t end. Make this a 90-day process that has check-ins with the new hire and the hiring manager.

“Proper preparation prevents poor performance.” ― Stephen Keague

Truly top-performing recruiting starts with a clearly defined and clean running recruitment process. Don’t forget to measure so you know which sources provide the best candidates, what steps to ensure the best hires, what’s the time-to-hire, what’s the cost of hire, and more. Measuring your process allows you to know what is working and what is not. If you don’t know what is broken, you can’t fix it.

Learn more about Storyvine's New Home Healthcare NOW Kit, which helps health care agencies attract talent and grow their organizations.

Give your company an advantage. Build and keep a strong recruitment process. It will increase your hiring success.


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